
Adding a command to run at start-up

Hi all - I'm getting to know Linux and need some help. I have jumped straight in at the deep-end and have been using Clear Linux. I really like it as it's very quick, I've also installed and have been using VMware Workstation Pro. But I have an issue I seem to have come across. If I reboot and try to start a guest in VMware it throws up a vmmon error. So I then run this command in terminal and it starts the relevant services sudo /etc/init.d/vmware start, I can then start my guest. The problem is I must ...
Hi all - I'm getting to know Linux and need some help. I have jumped straight in at the deep-end and have been using Clear Linux. I really like it as it's very quick, I've also installed and have been using VMware Workstation Pro. But I have an issue I seem to have come across. If I reboot and try to start a guest in VMware it throws up a vmmon error. So I then run this command in terminal and it starts the relevant services sudo /etc/init.d/vmware start, I can then start my guest. The problem is I must ...