
Alternatives to YouTube

For a while now I’ve seen people complaining about having their channel blocked, content removed, account de-monetised etc on YouTube. All in all, it’s becoming hazardous for people looking to produce content as a living - if you don’t say...

For a while now I’ve seen people complaining about having their channel blocked, content removed, account de-monetised etc on YouTube. All in all, it’s becoming hazardous for people looking to produce content as a living - if you don’t say the right thing(s), or alternatively if you say the wrong things, YouTube can take your livelihood away (!)

As a content consumer, I’ve recently noticed that the ads YouTube force you to watch seem to be getting longer and longer. Either 30 seconds plus, or an ad you can cancel after 5 seconds, which if you cancel leads on to a second ad. It’s becoming a “bad” experience, at least for me.

So this morning I came across a video on YouTube advertising a competitor (!) called “Odysee”, which I’ve been having a look through.

Seems to be a more organised approach, doesn’t seem to prioritise “big media” or other propaganda outlets, and doesn’t have the same “in your face” advertising when you want to watch something. (and playback seems for me to be at least as good as YouTube)

I also recognise some of the content from YouTube, so at least some content creators are dual-uploading to Odysee and Youtube … I can’t help but wonder how fast YouTube could lose it’s shirt given their current trajectory.

Anyone else tried this, be interested in hearing what it’s like when compared to YouTube over a period of time. Doesn’t appear to be a native Linux app that I can see (web page only), but I installed the Roku app on my TV and that also seems to work well.

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