
Can you store virtual machines on a USB device?

Obviously I know I have to install virtualbox onto my computer, but is it possible to actually store the virtual computers themselves onto a USB device? I ask because the SSD by new computer came with is only 128GB, and a substantial portion of that is taken up by Windows 10 itself and some apps I've downloaded. So, with just under 90GB left, I want to minimize cluttering up the SSD too much, as you know, Windows needs A LOT of room to function optimally. The USB device in question is 2TB and will have m...
Obviously I know I have to install virtualbox onto my computer, but is it possible to actually store the virtual computers themselves onto a USB device? I ask because the SSD by new computer came with is only 128GB, and a substantial portion of that is taken up by Windows 10 itself and some apps I've downloaded. So, with just under 90GB left, I want to minimize cluttering up the SSD too much, as you know, Windows needs A LOT of room to function optimally. The USB device in question is 2TB and will have m...