
Complete LAMP Stack “inside” a Browser

Just when you thought stuff couldn’t get any weirder, it would appear you can now run WordPress (which would be a combination of Apache Server, SQL, PHP and a bunch of other stuff) inside a browser. The mind boggles …
So what they’ve done is to compile the entire stack using WASM (which sort of cross-compiles code into a near native-speed emulator that runs inside the browser) linked it all together so it can run Web applications, then stuck Apache on top. There has been a demo of LibreOffice running in a browser kicking around for a while, but this is a bit of a beast, takes 45 seconds to load in my browser. For anyone wanting to try it; soffice Anyway, back to WordPress, cross compiling a stand-alone binary like LibreOffice is one thing, but getting an entire (Linux) environment compiled up and co-existing under WASM in a coherent application, that kinda blew me away. And it’s pretty quick! I bumped into this while writing a plugin for WordPress. The WordPress directory has a feature whereby you can test (or “Preview”) WordPress plugins before you download them into your WordPress instance. I’d initially assumed that there was some poor server somewhere that was deploying a clean WordPress instance and loading a bunch of plugins on-demand any time someone wanted to test something. Apparently not (!) If you want to see it in action, this is a link to my plugin in the WordPress directory, click in the “Preview” button to give it a try, takes around 10 seconds on my Raspberry Pi to load up and present the plugin T’s and C’s, be interested in how fast it is on a speedy PC … 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic