
Diagrams on Linux

Anybody remember Visio, maybe when it was still Visio Corporation before a certain someone bought it? Well, back in the good old days it was my go-to for generating diagrams and documentation. Flow charts, network diagrams, process flows e...

Anybody remember Visio, maybe when it was still Visio Corporation before a certain someone bought it?

Well, back in the good old days it was my go-to for generating diagrams and documentation. Flow charts, network diagrams, process flows etc, it was a pretty flexible tool. Then when the Cloud came along I migrated over to “Gliffy”, but they seemed to suffer a similar fate and were gobbled up by larger fish.

More recently I’ve been using “drawio”, which just seems to keep getting better and better and thought it was worth a mention. It does the same kind of thing that Visio and Gliffy used to and is available online or as a local application. I’ve just found it’s also available on the Raspberry Pi as a Flatpak install. (so it’s available from the graphical software manager, just click “install”)

This is what it looks like (my desktop is running in “dark mode”);

If you’re familiar with Visio or Gliffy then you’ll be right at home with the UI, if not, well it’s a learning curve like any other software, but it’s very flexible and easy to use. When you’re done, it can export in many formats including PNG, SVG, PDF etc.

If you’ve not seen this before and diagramming is something you do on occasion, you might be surprised (shocked even) how good it is. If you want to try it out without installing, it’s available on the web at;

(Open Source, Apache2 license)

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