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GNOME 3.38 Released

The latest version of GNOME 3 has been released today. Version 3.38 contains six months of work by the GNOME community and, as always, includes many new features and performance improvements. This release showcases a new Tour application, highlighting the main functionality of the desktop and providing first time users a nice welcome to GNOME. Several core utilities have been visually refreshed, giving them a more polished and elegant experience.

There have been major changes and additions to;

  • Drag to Reorder Apps
  • New Welcome Tour
  • Settings – Settings can now manage parental controls for Standard user accounts
  • Improved Screen Recording
  • Better Multi-Monitor Support
  • A Better Browsing Experience
  • Maps
  • Clocks
  • Games
  • Utilities

As usual, there are also many other smaller improvements in this GNOME release.

  • Calculator, Cheese, Tali, Sudoku, Robots, Quadrapassel, and Nibbles all feature new icons.
  • Terminal now uses an updated text color scheme.
  • Photos has gained a new image filter, Trencin, very similar to Instagram’s Clarendon filter.
  • The system menu has a new Restart option, which also can be used to go to the Boot menu by holding down the Alt key.
  • Fractal has improved video playback in the message history.

Screenshots from the new release

About the author

Gareth Bult

Gareth is a long time Linux User and enthusiast and currently works for Mad Penguin Consulting Ltd as a Full-stack / Python developer.