I am trying to set up an SMTP mail relay on my Debian server using OpenSMTPD. I was following this SMTP setup tutorial and it seemed to be going smoothly, but I keep running into an issue when I keep sending an email.
Here is the co...
I am trying to set up an SMTP mail relay on my Debian server using OpenSMTPD. I was following this SMTP setup tutorial and it seemed to be going smoothly, but I keep running into an issue when I keep sending an email.
Here is the command I’m using to send a test email:
echo "Test email body" | mail --subject="Test Subject" --append="From: monitoring@example.com" myemail@example.com
But I get an error message:
mail: cannot send message: Process exited with a non-zero status
I checked the logs using journalctl -f _COMM=smtpd
, but I can’t figure out what’s wrong. The logs show:
Invalid recipient: <myemail@example.com>
Does anyone know what could be wrong here?
I changed the email names and such for privacy reasons.
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