
I’ve chosen!

After taking a close look at both Ubuntu and Linux Mint Cinnamon, I've chosen the latter. I Created the live boot USB device today with unetbootin, and took a look around. THIS is what I wanted, not just most of what I wanted but EVERYTHING I wanted. I was worried about finding a video editor, there is loads of them to pick from! I spent a good half hour looking through the software repositories in amazement. In my excitement I forgot to check for a screen recorder, but there has to be one given that the...
After taking a close look at both Ubuntu and Linux Mint Cinnamon, I've chosen the latter. I Created the live boot USB device today with unetbootin, and took a look around. THIS is what I wanted, not just most of what I wanted but EVERYTHING I wanted. I was worried about finding a video editor, there is loads of them to pick from! I spent a good half hour looking through the software repositories in amazement. In my excitement I forgot to check for a screen recorder, but there has to be one given that the...