
Logging Options


I'm thinking about how to improve my script logging...

I currently have all logs (per server/client) write to a monthly-dated file, but have previously created a web API and site to report and manage those.
XMPP was great, as it would Ping my phone and other clients with messages, but MQTT was less good, because it would only store/display the last message (unless I logged those and that seemed like a pointless task - akin to logging the logging :)).

I've never, more than a thought anyway, consider...

I'm thinking about how to improve my script logging...

I currently have all logs (per server/client) write to a monthly-dated file, but have previously created a web API and site to report and manage those.
XMPP was great, as it would Ping my phone and other clients with messages, but MQTT was less good, because it would only store/display the last message (unless I logged those and that seemed like a pointless task - akin to logging the logging :)).

I've never, more than a thought anyway, consider...