
Problems/differences installing (Web Development apps) "Ubuntu" handles well.

Hey guys,

I am completely new to Linux, and coming from a Windows mindset; so i know this 2 questions will sound stupid to the experienced Linux users.

But because I've already installed an unstable Linux distro, I'm looking to do a "permanent move" to Ubuntu Flavors.

And i don't want to repeat this process again; until i have no choice but to install a new release of the same flavor, if an upgrade is not possible.

I am asking the 2 below questions because Ubuntu Studio seems more specific than the other...
Hey guys,

I am completely new to Linux, and coming from a Windows mindset; so i know this 2 questions will sound stupid to the experienced Linux users.

But because I've already installed an unstable Linux distro, I'm looking to do a "permanent move" to Ubuntu Flavors.

And i don't want to repeat this process again; until i have no choice but to install a new release of the same flavor, if an upgrade is not possible.

I am asking the 2 below questions because Ubuntu Studio seems more specific than the other...