
Raspberry Pi 5 Announcement

Raspberry Pi – 28 Sep 23 Introducing: Raspberry Pi 5! - Raspberry Pi Announcing Raspberry Pi 5, coming in late October: over 2x faster than Raspberry Pi 4, featuring silicon designed in-house at Raspberry ...

Looks quite interesting, apparently between 2x and 3x the performance of the raspberry Pi4 for pretty much the same price (within a couple of pounds). Notably there are quite a few upgrades and new features like the addition of a PCI Express 2.0 controller and an accompanying M.2 hat. Significant because you should be able to attach an M.2 NVME storage device directly via M.2 at 500MB/sec.

(which is about twice the current effective maximum via USB3)

This looks like the first version that would make a proper desktop machine, and an even better home server than the Pi4.

Incidentally, the killer feature for me of the Raspberry Pi; they’re made in a factory just down the road! So supply chain issues aside, they’re one of the few (only?) Linux compatible computers actually are manufactured in the UK! :slight_smile:

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Mad Penguin

Mad Penguin is a Linux forum administrator and moderator.