
Re: Ads in Firefox vs Google Chrome

I found Firefox very clunky, slow and rather annoying when doing a web search, because, instead of going straight to a list of links, it refers you to Duck Duck Go which is not  a very good search engine when you compare it with Google.

I find it odd that Steve & Matilda think it is Firefox that is serving advertisements.  FF is just a web browser - it is the search engines such as Google that you visit with FF that provide the ads, and track you all over the web. 
DuckDuckGo can't...
I found Firefox very clunky, slow and rather annoying when doing a web search, because, instead of going straight to a list of links, it refers you to Duck Duck Go which is not  a very good search engine when you compare it with Google.

I find it odd that Steve & Matilda think it is Firefox that is serving advertisements.  FF is just a web browser - it is the search engines such as Google that you visit with FF that provide the ads, and track you all over the web. 
DuckDuckGo can't...