
Re: Advice on using Linux in web design please!

Ok, so I have a question - why use a laptop?
Generally, laptop pro's;
  • Portable
  • Portable
  • ...
  • Very expensive in terms of bang for buck
  • Very expensive and/or difficult to upgrade
  • Small screen
  • Sub-optimal keyboard
  • Prone coffee damage
  • Relatively fragile compared to a desktop
  • Difficult / impossible to repair
  • It's easy to get RSI or similar from using it in the 'wrong' place or position[/li...
Ok, so I have a question - why use a laptop?
Generally, laptop pro's;
  • Portable
  • Portable
  • ...
  • Very expensive in terms of bang for buck
  • Very expensive and/or difficult to upgrade
  • Small screen
  • Sub-optimal keyboard
  • Prone coffee damage
  • Relatively fragile compared to a desktop
  • Difficult / impossible to repair
  • It's easy to get RSI or similar from using it in the 'wrong' place or position[/li...