
Re: Booting Linux mint

Hi TC.

I am a bit overwhelmed now.  From your post #18 it looks like you intend to re-install Mint.  If so then you are right in saying that when asked to reboot the PC you must remove the USB before doing so.  The PC will then boot from the installed Mint.  You don't need to use the USB device ever again on that machine to run Mint (except to fix any problems, as Rich says). 

From your post #19:
One of the issues I face is that the tab keys on the Equium do not seem to work so that ...
Hi TC.

I am a bit overwhelmed now.  From your post #18 it looks like you intend to re-install Mint.  If so then you are right in saying that when asked to reboot the PC you must remove the USB before doing so.  The PC will then boot from the installed Mint.  You don't need to use the USB device ever again on that machine to run Mint (except to fix any problems, as Rich says). 

From your post #19:
One of the issues I face is that the tab keys on the Equium do not seem to work so that ...