
Re: Booting Linux mint

Hi TC,

Almost there.  This what you ought to do.....

Delete everything on your USB (by highlighting all the files and using Shift+Delete - that's important) then use Unetbootin to create a live USB like this:
Click the Radio Button "Diskimage" and search for your ISO file on the hard drive.
Click on the "Drive" window down-arrow and select your USB stick.
Click on "OK" and await your new live USB! 

Hi TC,

Almost there.  This what you ought to do.....

Delete everything on your USB (by highlighting all the files and using Shift+Delete - that's important) then use Unetbootin to create a live USB like this:
Click the Radio Button "Diskimage" and search for your ISO file on the hard drive.
Click on the "Drive" window down-arrow and select your USB stick.
Click on "OK" and await your new live USB! 
