
Re: Can I have some advice please?

Hello Helen - and welcome to the Forum.

There are many versions of Linux to choose from, each with their own advantages depending upon the individual user's needs. 
I think most Linux users would agree that someone new to Linux would be best advised to choose a version that is best supported, even if that has much more than you need.  Ubuntu fits the bill as many other versions are actually cut-down versions of Ubuntu and with their own appearance and layout. 
Ubuntu is very stable and very resi...
Hello Helen - and welcome to the Forum.

There are many versions of Linux to choose from, each with their own advantages depending upon the individual user's needs. 
I think most Linux users would agree that someone new to Linux would be best advised to choose a version that is best supported, even if that has much more than you need.  Ubuntu fits the bill as many other versions are actually cut-down versions of Ubuntu and with their own appearance and layout. 
Ubuntu is very stable and very resi...