
Re: Can I have some advice please?

okay thanks. Maybe having the CD would have some benefits,like not having to worry about burning it correctly. I'll consider it because I don't have a CD burner I only have an old 2GB USB storage device I was going to buy a new bigger one which will probably set me back a similar amount of money. My computer performance is ridiculously sporadic, it can sometimes have an hour or two good behaviour and sometimes be beyond terrible. I never know what it's going to do. It is useable but it is a continous uph...
okay thanks. Maybe having the CD would have some benefits,like not having to worry about burning it correctly. I'll consider it because I don't have a CD burner I only have an old 2GB USB storage device I was going to buy a new bigger one which will probably set me back a similar amount of money. My computer performance is ridiculously sporadic, it can sometimes have an hour or two good behaviour and sometimes be beyond terrible. I never know what it's going to do. It is useable but it is a continous uph...