
Re: Can I have some advice please?

Hi Helen and a belated welcome to the forum from me!  I'm Rich (in name only :() one of the helpers on here.

A few years ago, I was exactly where you are now and was asking the same questions.  I, too went through the process of trying out various versions of Linux before settling on Mint and I've stuck with it ever since.  The change from Windows, for me, was really borne out of frustration that, here I was spending loads of money, only to find further down the road that I didn't really own anything, I ...
Hi Helen and a belated welcome to the forum from me!  I'm Rich (in name only :() one of the helpers on here.

A few years ago, I was exactly where you are now and was asking the same questions.  I, too went through the process of trying out various versions of Linux before settling on Mint and I've stuck with it ever since.  The change from Windows, for me, was really borne out of frustration that, here I was spending loads of money, only to find further down the road that I didn't really own anything, I ...