
Re: Can you store virtual machines on a USB device?

Hi Helen .. technically "yes", however the question "is this wise" is not so clear cut. What sort of technology does your USB device employ, is it literally a cheap flash stick (which could have a write cycle limit as low as 500, or SSD/NVRam in which case it could be up over 1M?). If it's a low end device (in terms of write cycles) then you might be chancing your arm a little if you put something that's relatively write-intensive (like a VM) on it.

If it's a device that's less likely to wear out in a hu...
Hi Helen .. technically "yes", however the question "is this wise" is not so clear cut. What sort of technology does your USB device employ, is it literally a cheap flash stick (which could have a write cycle limit as low as 500, or SSD/NVRam in which case it could be up over 1M?). If it's a low end device (in terms of write cycles) then you might be chancing your arm a little if you put something that's relatively write-intensive (like a VM) on it.

If it's a device that's less likely to wear out in a hu...