
Re: Changing date format in filenames in Linux

Hi Mike. 

The "touch" command can be used to change the date format of a file, but it looks like you want to change the file names. 
There are bulk-file-renaming methods such as Thunar file manager, and suggestions on the internet but are either very complicated or not really want you want. 
I suggest that the simplest method is to write a short script to do it. 

Here's my example to try in your script directory:
Hi Mike. 

The "touch" command can be used to change the date format of a file, but it looks like you want to change the file names. 
There are bulk-file-renaming methods such as Thunar file manager, and suggestions on the internet but are either very complicated or not really want you want. 
I suggest that the simplest method is to write a short script to do it. 

Here's my example to try in your script directory: