
Re: Changing date format in filenames in Linux

Hello Keith,

Here's the output, including a couple of typos I included just for fun!

m@m-xubuntu:~$ cd scripts
m@m-xubuntu:~/scripts$ mv script1.txt nama-reformat
m@m-xubuntu:~/scripts$ chmod +x mane-reformat
chmod: cannot access 'mane-reformat': No such file or directory
m@m-xubuntu:~/scripts$ chmod +x name-reformat
chmod: cannot access 'name-reformat': No such file or directory
m@m-xubuntu:~/scripts$ mv script1.txt name-reformat
mv: cannot stat 'script1.txt': No such file or directory
Hello Keith,

Here's the output, including a couple of typos I included just for fun!

m@m-xubuntu:~$ cd scripts
m@m-xubuntu:~/scripts$ mv script1.txt nama-reformat
m@m-xubuntu:~/scripts$ chmod +x mane-reformat
chmod: cannot access 'mane-reformat': No such file or directory
m@m-xubuntu:~/scripts$ chmod +x name-reformat
chmod: cannot access 'name-reformat': No such file or directory
m@m-xubuntu:~/scripts$ mv script1.txt name-reformat
mv: cannot stat 'script1.txt': No such file or directory