
Re: Changing date format in filenames in Linux

That's great!

Unfortunately I 've found a bug in my script when dealing with multple mp3 fies.  I'll fix that before moving on.....................
[EDIT]  Found the error and fixed it. 

If you are sure that you have backed up the directory of mp3 files (say by copying the directory to another name) then please do the following:
1. download the attached script to your scripts directory to replace the old file. 
2. navig...
That's great!

Unfortunately I 've found a bug in my script when dealing with multple mp3 fies.  I'll fix that before moving on.....................
[EDIT]  Found the error and fixed it. 

If you are sure that you have backed up the directory of mp3 files (say by copying the directory to another name) then please do the following:
1. download the attached script to your scripts directory to replace the old file. 
2. navig...