
Re: Deepin – Sudden hard drive activity slows down the system

I hadn't heard of Deepin, so had a browse of the web. 
This link states that " if you have less than 64GB to dedicate to its installation, it will refuse to proceed."  That's an awful lot, considering Ubuntu requires only ~5GB. 
In addition, it seems that one can't install Deepin unless one accepts the End User Agreement.  This is astonishing for an open source operating system.  Wh...
I hadn't heard of Deepin, so had a browse of the web. 
This link states that " if you have less than 64GB to dedicate to its installation, it will refuse to proceed."  That's an awful lot, considering Ubuntu requires only ~5GB. 
In addition, it seems that one can't install Deepin unless one accepts the End User Agreement.  This is astonishing for an open source operating system.  Wh...