
Re: External DVD player for Linux

Hi Graeme.

Well, this is partly embarassing. 
At first none of your tests produced anything, but I've just discovered that there is a secret integral cable tucked away in the bottom of the DVD player.  But don't get excited. 

When plugging that one in along with the separate cable that came with the device the device was partly recognised.  Your tests show this:
keith@E5570:~$ blkid
/dev/nvme0n1p5: UUID="92ba0f4e-e3b0-424c-91b7-8748fff01126" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="6a6cd5a9-05"  (this i...
Hi Graeme.

Well, this is partly embarassing. 
At first none of your tests produced anything, but I've just discovered that there is a secret integral cable tucked away in the bottom of the DVD player.  But don't get excited. 

When plugging that one in along with the separate cable that came with the device the device was partly recognised.  Your tests show this:
keith@E5570:~$ blkid
/dev/nvme0n1p5: UUID="92ba0f4e-e3b0-424c-91b7-8748fff01126" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="6a6cd5a9-05"  (this i...