
Re: Fast OS for an Old Laptop

Well, I finally decided on Linux Lite.  One of the problems I though I had with Mint, was that Dropbox wouldn't install.  So I decided to install Lite and now find that Dropbox still doesn't install.  I didn't notice if the error message with Mint gave any indication, but Lite certainly did.  The spec isn't high enough.  Accessing Dropbox was one of reasons for trying to re-use the laptop.  But I guess it's not meant to be.  It's not so long ago that Dbx would have worked fine on there, but I guess the D...
Well, I finally decided on Linux Lite.  One of the problems I though I had with Mint, was that Dropbox wouldn't install.  So I decided to install Lite and now find that Dropbox still doesn't install.  I didn't notice if the error message with Mint gave any indication, but Lite certainly did.  The spec isn't high enough.  Accessing Dropbox was one of reasons for trying to re-use the laptop.  But I guess it's not meant to be.  It's not so long ago that Dbx would have worked fine on there, but I guess the D...