
Re: Fast OS for an Old Laptop

The bad news is that this is never going to be fast. According to Wikipedia the Atom N270 has only half the performance of a Pentium M with the same clock speed. Now I have a laptop with a Pentium M (an IBM Thinkpad from 2003!) and that does run Debian with Xfce, rather sedately, but I wouldn't want to use that setup on anything that had only half its performance.

The solution for you will be AntiX — built from carefully selected Debian components, so very stable, to run on the slowest and smallest com...
The bad news is that this is never going to be fast. According to Wikipedia the Atom N270 has only half the performance of a Pentium M with the same clock speed. Now I have a laptop with a Pentium M (an IBM Thinkpad from 2003!) and that does run Debian with Xfce, rather sedately, but I wouldn't want to use that setup on anything that had only half its performance.

The solution for you will be AntiX — built from carefully selected Debian components, so very stable, to run on the slowest and smallest com...