
Re: Fast OS for an Old Laptop

In my limited experience, trying to "tweak" an OS to make improvements (such as speed) often involves loss of some other feature.  I was rarely able to "un-tweak" and it looks like you have fallen victim to the downside. 

I looked through Rich's link and found nothing relating to BusyBox, so wonder if you clicked on a link on that page (?).  When I searched for Busybox ( I found something that was way beyond my understanding - ...
In my limited experience, trying to "tweak" an OS to make improvements (such as speed) often involves loss of some other feature.  I was rarely able to "un-tweak" and it looks like you have fallen victim to the downside. 

I looked through Rich's link and found nothing relating to BusyBox, so wonder if you clicked on a link on that page (?).  When I searched for Busybox ( I found something that was way beyond my understanding - ...