
Re: Frequent crashing of 18.04

Thanks. My brain does this sort of crap all day everyday, it's very wearing.

Results of fdisk l :

/dev/sda1   is EFI system
/dev/sda2   is Linux file system [problem one]

next command 'for n in /dev/sda*'etc returned :
> [flashing cursor which stopped flashing]

then e2fsch /dev/sda2 returned :
bash : syntax error near unexpected token 'e2fsck'  [& back to usual $ prompt]

Did I make any mistakes ?
Thanks. My brain does this sort of crap all day everyday, it's very wearing.

Results of fdisk l :

/dev/sda1   is EFI system
/dev/sda2   is Linux file system [problem one]

next command 'for n in /dev/sda*'etc returned :
> [flashing cursor which stopped flashing]

then e2fsch /dev/sda2 returned :
bash : syntax error near unexpected token 'e2fsck'  [& back to usual $ prompt]

Did I make any mistakes ?