
Re: Frequent crashing of 18.04

From what I read about ext today would support your assumption but successfully ran 'df' etc. with no mention of ext.
However these result of 'df':

/dev/sdb1  vfat  7.3G  4.8G 2.5G  66%  /cdrom

[/dev loop stuff...]

/dev/sdc1  vfat  7.3G  4.8G 2.5G  66% /media/ubuntu/C539-4EEC

looks to me like this is targeting my live USB stick & not my laptop HDD.

Tried sudo fsck /dev/sda2 as you suggested (following umount as before) result:
sudo : unable to execute /sbin/fsck: input/output error

I appreciate your (& ...
From what I read about ext today would support your assumption but successfully ran 'df' etc. with no mention of ext.
However these result of 'df':

/dev/sdb1  vfat  7.3G  4.8G 2.5G  66%  /cdrom

[/dev loop stuff...]

/dev/sdc1  vfat  7.3G  4.8G 2.5G  66% /media/ubuntu/C539-4EEC

looks to me like this is targeting my live USB stick & not my laptop HDD.

Tried sudo fsck /dev/sda2 as you suggested (following umount as before) result:
sudo : unable to execute /sbin/fsck: input/output error

I appreciate your (& ...