
Re: How do find Address Books on Thunderbird

Hi Goalie - nice to hear from you again.

I'm pleased that the problem was so easily solved. 
Software updates often put an application in an unfamiliar mode and it's sometimes not obvious how one can get back to normal operation.  So you not alone! 

To mark your topic as solved, look at the first post on your topic (not in edit mode yet) and click on the "Modify" button (top right).  This brings up the usual editing page for that post. 
In the Subject (title) line add [SOLVED] to the end of the title ...
Hi Goalie - nice to hear from you again.

I'm pleased that the problem was so easily solved. 
Software updates often put an application in an unfamiliar mode and it's sometimes not obvious how one can get back to normal operation.  So you not alone! 

To mark your topic as solved, look at the first post on your topic (not in edit mode yet) and click on the "Modify" button (top right).  This brings up the usual editing page for that post. 
In the Subject (title) line add [SOLVED] to the end of the title ...