
Re: I made the bootable USB, but I have one issue.

Well, I just ticked the box to show any hidden files, and according to Windows there aren't any at all, not even a .trash bin.

I also think you misunderstood what I meant. The OS isn't taking up 200MB, I'd know immediately that there was a serious problem given that even very old operating systems such as 98SE and XP take up more than that. The 200MB is space that is missing, not space taken up by the OS.

There is 883MB free of 3.72GB (should be 4GB here, not 3.72).

This means that the OS is taking up a ...
Well, I just ticked the box to show any hidden files, and according to Windows there aren't any at all, not even a .trash bin.

I also think you misunderstood what I meant. The OS isn't taking up 200MB, I'd know immediately that there was a serious problem given that even very old operating systems such as 98SE and XP take up more than that. The 200MB is space that is missing, not space taken up by the OS.

There is 883MB free of 3.72GB (should be 4GB here, not 3.72).

This means that the OS is taking up a ...