
Re: keyboard layout peppermint 11?

Hi Norman.

OK - better luck next time, eh? But don't give up.  You might like to try Linux Mint which works well. 
I suggest that you mark your topic as "Postponed" for now until you come back to it later.  You can see how to do this by reading the Guide for new Members and inserting "Postponed" for "SOLVED" in the instruction. 

Sorry to hear about your impending therapy. 


Hi Norman.

OK - better luck next time, eh? But don't give up.  You might like to try Linux Mint which works well. 
I suggest that you mark your topic as "Postponed" for now until you come back to it later.  You can see how to do this by reading the Guide for new Members and inserting "Postponed" for "SOLVED" in the instruction. 

Sorry to hear about your impending therapy. 
