
Re: Linux Data

Fortran is just an application for writing scientific software - like C++, BASIC, Python, etc.  It doesn't have data files in the sense that you mean.  If you have written Fortran code to save data files then those files will be accessible via the server operating system. 
If you have no control over your data then you have a problem with your contract with the "external company". 
Do you not have a computer operator/manager within the organisation?  That's the person to go to. Or hire an expert. 

Fortran is just an application for writing scientific software - like C++, BASIC, Python, etc.  It doesn't have data files in the sense that you mean.  If you have written Fortran code to save data files then those files will be accessible via the server operating system. 
If you have no control over your data then you have a problem with your contract with the "external company". 
Do you not have a computer operator/manager within the organisation?  That's the person to go to. Or hire an expert. 
