
Re: Linux in Between

Hello Ian - and welcome to the Forum.

My only suggestion is that you change to Linux. 

Your proposed solution for using old Windows safely (which I can't help you with) seems inordinately complicated and not worth the hassle.  If you need to use dedicated Windows applications you can usually do so in a Linux environment using a Windows Emulator, although there is a huge number of (free) Linux applications to satisfy most users. 

Linux is so safe that most users don't even bother with a firewall and ant...
Hello Ian - and welcome to the Forum.

My only suggestion is that you change to Linux. 

Your proposed solution for using old Windows safely (which I can't help you with) seems inordinately complicated and not worth the hassle.  If you need to use dedicated Windows applications you can usually do so in a Linux environment using a Windows Emulator, although there is a huge number of (free) Linux applications to satisfy most users. 

Linux is so safe that most users don't even bother with a firewall and ant...