
Re: Live encripted ISO (without userinput of a password)

Ok, so here are the problem scenario's;
  • users inserts cd into running system and mounts ISO on a dummy mount point - entire ISO contents visible
  • .. I count go on, but to what end .. ?
Terminal, irrelevant, root password, irrelevant .. if you were going to rely on no terminal sessions and no root password, encryption is kind of irrelevant too.

You really need to decide what it is you're trying to achieve.
If you're trying to stop people from looking inside the ISO, forget ...
Ok, so here are the problem scenario's;
  • users inserts cd into running system and mounts ISO on a dummy mount point - entire ISO contents visible
  • .. I count go on, but to what end .. ?
Terminal, irrelevant, root password, irrelevant .. if you were going to rely on no terminal sessions and no root password, encryption is kind of irrelevant too.

You really need to decide what it is you're trying to achieve.
If you're trying to stop people from looking inside the ISO, forget ...

About the author

Mad Penguin

Mad Penguin is a Linux forum administrator and moderator.