
Re: Locked files on USB sticks in Linux Mint 19.3

Hi Keith. Sorry for delay in getting back to you, there are are a number of the folders locked the HOME FOLDER is one of them. The 'xls' files in these folders are 'locked' as 'read only' other files 'doc', 'jpg', 'pdf' are all okay. Here is result of your last command :-

kevin@kevin-desktop:~$ cd "/media/kevin/PHILIPS UFD"
kevin@kevin-desktop:/media/kevin/PHILIPS UFD$ ls -l
ls: cannot access '2 - MINT 19.3  HOME FOLDER - Jan 18th 2021': Input/output error
total 384
drwxr-xr-x 38 kevin kevin 32768 Jan  1...
Hi Keith. Sorry for delay in getting back to you, there are are a number of the folders locked the HOME FOLDER is one of them. The 'xls' files in these folders are 'locked' as 'read only' other files 'doc', 'jpg', 'pdf' are all okay. Here is result of your last command :-

kevin@kevin-desktop:~$ cd "/media/kevin/PHILIPS UFD"
kevin@kevin-desktop:/media/kevin/PHILIPS UFD$ ls -l
ls: cannot access '2 - MINT 19.3  HOME FOLDER - Jan 18th 2021': Input/output error
total 384
drwxr-xr-x 38 kevin kevin 32768 Jan  1...