
Re: Locked files on USB sticks in Linux Mint 19.3

Hi Keith.
I've got confused and may have done something badly wrong. I got to position as shown on attachment but can't remember exactly what commands I used to get there. However no matter which of the files I try to change to 'read & write' they get blocked.

Now I'm not sure how to get back to how it was before I got to Root if indeed I have in fact got to the Root.  If you can get me back to the normal setting for file manager I'd appreciate that.

I'm getting more confused and its not fair on you so m...
Hi Keith.
I've got confused and may have done something badly wrong. I got to position as shown on attachment but can't remember exactly what commands I used to get there. However no matter which of the files I try to change to 'read & write' they get blocked.

Now I'm not sure how to get back to how it was before I got to Root if indeed I have in fact got to the Root.  If you can get me back to the normal setting for file manager I'd appreciate that.

I'm getting more confused and its not fair on you so m...