
Re: Locked files on USB sticks in Linux Mint 19.3

Keith.Got there in the end, kept mis-reading your instructions this is the result of your instructions :-  kevin@kevin-desktop:~$ df | grep media/dev/sdb1       60456992 43655168  16801824  73% /media/kevin/PHILIPS U...

Got there in the end, kept mis-reading your instructions this is the result of your instructions :- 

kevin@kevin-desktop:~$ df | grep media
/dev/sdb1       60456992 43655168  16801824  73% /media/kevin/PHILIPS UFD
kevin@kevin-desktop:~$ cd </media/kevin/PHILIPS UFD>/media/kevin/PHILIPS UFD ls -l

Now when I went back to check which  filename to put into the end of last command, I noticed that all the "locked" folders had been "Unlocked" (no padlock icons) and was able to open the files as normal ...