
Re: Locked files on USB sticks in Linux Mint 19.3

Good Morning Keith.

Q1. Not sure where this folder is on the USB :-  '2 - MINT 19.3  HOME FOLDER - Jan 18th 2021'  See attachment of folders that show up when I open the PHILIPS stick.
       The folder 1 - Mint 19.3-HOME FOLDER -Dec 30th 2020 is the one shown on the attachment.
Q2. This was a backup for my PC however this out of date now but, still need to know how to unlock files if possible.
Q3. Yes and on other usb sticks that I have.
Q4. Can't answer for  2 - MINT 19.3  HOME FOLDER[...
Good Morning Keith.

Q1. Not sure where this folder is on the USB :-  '2 - MINT 19.3  HOME FOLDER - Jan 18th 2021'  See attachment of folders that show up when I open the PHILIPS stick.
       The folder 1 - Mint 19.3-HOME FOLDER -Dec 30th 2020 is the one shown on the attachment.
Q2. This was a backup for my PC however this out of date now but, still need to know how to unlock files if possible.
Q3. Yes and on other usb sticks that I have.
Q4. Can't answer for  2 - MINT 19.3  HOME FOLDER[...