
Re: Looking for a good OS for an older desktop: Advice needed

If you want to install Linux and dump Windows, then you can do this easily.  What you can't do is re-install Windows if Linux is already on the PC.  Linux is happy to install alongside anything, but Windows is not that flexible.  Is it just Windows on the PC? 

First thing is to back up all your personal files, and you can do that easily by using a Linux Live Disc/USB.  If you've used Live discs before then you're almost there and we can help you over any hurdles. 

If you want to install Linux and dump Windows, then you can do this easily.  What you can't do is re-install Windows if Linux is already on the PC.  Linux is happy to install alongside anything, but Windows is not that flexible.  Is it just Windows on the PC? 

First thing is to back up all your personal files, and you can do that easily by using a Linux Live Disc/USB.  If you've used Live discs before then you're almost there and we can help you over any hurdles. 
