
Re: MPV Media player doesn´t play my DVDs on Ubuntu

I just put in those commands and not sure what I have to do now. This is the messages that came out of the terminal:

avon@avon-MacBookPro:~$ sudo add-apt-repository multiverse
[sudo] password for avon:
'multiverse' distribution component is already enabled for all sources.
avon@avon-MacBookPro:~$ sudo apt install libdvd-pkg
E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.
avon@avon-MacBookPro:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure libdvd-pkg
I just put in those commands and not sure what I have to do now. This is the messages that came out of the terminal:

avon@avon-MacBookPro:~$ sudo add-apt-repository multiverse
[sudo] password for avon:
'multiverse' distribution component is already enabled for all sources.
avon@avon-MacBookPro:~$ sudo apt install libdvd-pkg
E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.
avon@avon-MacBookPro:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure libdvd-pkg