
Re: NTFS partition on Ubuntu

Hi, and welcome to the forum.

It may be that Windows installer has taken over from Grub therefore does not 'see' Ubuntu.  Also (from my memory) Ubuntu installs using Ext4 - did you specify NTFS when you installed it?  And is there important stuff on Ubuntu?  If you delete those partitions you will lose all data on them and you will need to reinstall from the beginning.

If you can access GParted, you must have the Ubuntu installation medium, so there are options as to what to try to recover Ubuntu.

Hi, and welcome to the forum.

It may be that Windows installer has taken over from Grub therefore does not 'see' Ubuntu.  Also (from my memory) Ubuntu installs using Ext4 - did you specify NTFS when you installed it?  And is there important stuff on Ubuntu?  If you delete those partitions you will lose all data on them and you will need to reinstall from the beginning.

If you can access GParted, you must have the Ubuntu installation medium, so there are options as to what to try to recover Ubuntu.