
Re: NTFS partition on Ubuntu

First of al I suggest very strongly that you use the old Ubuntu system (on HDD) to back up to a USB/DVD all your important files from the 500GB SSD. 

Since only one person in your family can use the computer at a time, I suggest that you:
1. install Ubuntu on the 250GB SSD alongside Windows and
2. use that new Ubuntu to copy your files from the 500GB SSD to the 250GB SSD.  The fact you can't boot into the 500GB drive doesn't mean that you can't read from it. 

If you have a truly huge amount of ...
First of al I suggest very strongly that you use the old Ubuntu system (on HDD) to back up to a USB/DVD all your important files from the 500GB SSD. 

Since only one person in your family can use the computer at a time, I suggest that you:
1. install Ubuntu on the 250GB SSD alongside Windows and
2. use that new Ubuntu to copy your files from the 500GB SSD to the 250GB SSD.  The fact you can't boot into the 500GB drive doesn't mean that you can't read from it. 

If you have a truly huge amount of ...