
Re: peppermint won’t boot

Well done, Don.

Before backing up, we need to be sure what you want to back up.  Three questions:
1. Do you use Firefox web browser?
2. When you send emails, do you have to login to an online account (e.g. hotmail, gmail, etc) or do you use Thunderbird? 
3. You told me that you want to backup just Documents, Pictures, Downloads and Skystuff.  Sure that's all?

Well done, Don.

Before backing up, we need to be sure what you want to back up.  Three questions:
1. Do you use Firefox web browser?
2. When you send emails, do you have to login to an online account (e.g. hotmail, gmail, etc) or do you use Thunderbird? 
3. You told me that you want to backup just Documents, Pictures, Downloads and Skystuff.  Sure that's all?
