
Re: peppermint won’t boot

Thanks Keith,
I have used fsck as I saw an earlier post about this problem and it was suggested that fsck -fy /dev/sda2/ could be the answer. It worked and I was able to log in. I rebooted and now I can't log in again, or rather I can log in again but it then goes to a black screen with the arrow pointer but nothing happens, I use a continual press on the On button to shut down.
Don W
Thanks Keith,
I have used fsck as I saw an earlier post about this problem and it was suggested that fsck -fy /dev/sda2/ could be the answer. It worked and I was able to log in. I rebooted and now I can't log in again, or rather I can log in again but it then goes to a black screen with the arrow pointer but nothing happens, I use a continual press on the On button to shut down.
Don W