
Re: peppermint won’t boot

Thanks Keith,
I will have a go at adding Mozilla and report back

EDIT I'm back, and there is an error message although the the backup seems to have worked. Here is the screen

don@ldwatson ~ $ df|grep media
/dev/sdb1       15137856  2250912  12886944  15% /media/don/TOSHIBA
don@ldwatson ~ $ usb=/media/don/TOSHIBA/Backup
don@ldwatson ~ $ echo $usb
don@ldwatson ~ $ du -shc Documents Pictures Downloads sky_stuff Pictures
4.6G   Documents
325M   Pictures
6.3G   Downloads
316K   sky_stuff
Thanks Keith,
I will have a go at adding Mozilla and report back

EDIT I'm back, and there is an error message although the the backup seems to have worked. Here is the screen

don@ldwatson ~ $ df|grep media
/dev/sdb1       15137856  2250912  12886944  15% /media/don/TOSHIBA
don@ldwatson ~ $ usb=/media/don/TOSHIBA/Backup
don@ldwatson ~ $ echo $usb
don@ldwatson ~ $ du -shc Documents Pictures Downloads sky_stuff Pictures
4.6G   Documents
325M   Pictures
6.3G   Downloads
316K   sky_stuff