
Re: peppermint won’t boot

You need to boot into a live USB/CD environment then make sure none of the disks are mounted:Code: [Select]for n in /dev/sda* ; do umount $n ; donethen run fsck as Keith indicatedCode: [Select]sudo fsck -y /dev/sdaNote using the -y will answer yes to ...
You need to boot into a live USB/CD environment then make sure none of the disks are mounted:

Code: [Select]
for n in /dev/sda* ; do umount $n ; done

then run fsck as Keith indicated

Code: [Select]
sudo fsck -y /dev/sda

Note using the -y will answer yes to all fixing suggestions.

perhaps you could just do a dry run first:
Code: [Select]
sudo fsck -n /dev/sda