
Re: Purchasing New ‘Blank’ PC


ah... i see, for VMs you want something with RAM to spare (which I'll guess you have); but I've run 3 or 4 VM on 8gb without too much issue.

I think you have a few options - but they largely depends on how much you want your windows 10 OS....

Either way - I think the start point is the same:
1) find somewhere to backup everything from your old computer (a spare drive, USB, cloud - doesn't matter; just to keep it safe...

1a) (at the same time, you can "play") Download & try a few LiveCDs.. most Li...

ah... i see, for VMs you want something with RAM to spare (which I'll guess you have); but I've run 3 or 4 VM on 8gb without too much issue.

I think you have a few options - but they largely depends on how much you want your windows 10 OS....

Either way - I think the start point is the same:
1) find somewhere to backup everything from your old computer (a spare drive, USB, cloud - doesn't matter; just to keep it safe...

1a) (at the same time, you can "play") Download & try a few LiveCDs.. most Li...