
Re: Rsync


you give your command as:
rsync -v -a  --max-size=4GB --delete <home directory> .
<mount point> .
I note three points:
1. you have two lines here - is that how you issue the command?
2. You show two full stops (.).  They have a particular meaning in Linux (it means your current directory) so the first line would copy your Home directory (if that's where you are) to the home directory. 
I am guessing that your actual command is [code]rsync -v -a  --max-size=4GB --delete <home ...

you give your command as:
rsync -v -a  --max-size=4GB --delete <home directory> .
<mount point> .
I note three points:
1. you have two lines here - is that how you issue the command?
2. You show two full stops (.).  They have a particular meaning in Linux (it means your current directory) so the first line would copy your Home directory (if that's where you are) to the home directory. 
I am guessing that your actual command is [code]rsync -v -a  --max-size=4GB --delete <home ...