
Re: Socat for passing AT commands

Hi Siam - and welcome to the Forum.

First thing:   Please put your posts on appropriate Board - we had to move it here.  Indeed, if you had read the New Members' Guide (where you posted) you would know what to do.

I have no experience of socat but a web search seems to indicate that you can't get all the way from a PC command through your Development Board to your DUT. 
But you might be able to get socat to create a file on your DB that you could read via s/w you write for the DB.  Just a thought.

Hi Siam - and welcome to the Forum.

First thing:   Please put your posts on appropriate Board - we had to move it here.  Indeed, if you had read the New Members' Guide (where you posted) you would know what to do.

I have no experience of socat but a web search seems to indicate that you can't get all the way from a PC command through your Development Board to your DUT. 
But you might be able to get socat to create a file on your DB that you could read via s/w you write for the DB.  Just a thought.
